

The current installment of Lens: This Week In Style, features much more dazzling stylish male figures than normal editions. Style carries no limit so why limit exposing your eyes to freshly put-together subjects.

Know-how stylist hands of course patent this WOW look! The sleek windowpane coat, comfy knit scarf, smashing fedora and look-away pose fuels the masterpiece witnessed atop.

The gentleman channels Mr. MSR new summer pastime: Hangin' with a rich novel on the fire escape while fitted in casual-breezy pieces. No Converse on this side, but Havaianas sandals easily works for the effect.

Every time we preview this "Style Scholar" we well up fashion envy--in the most non-threatening way--of how immaculately shaped his ties and pocket squares always are. Also, he dons a double-breast like a perfect glove.

We love the candid shot! Witness individual styles from author Tom Wolfe (opts for decking only in white suits) ; Ralph Lauren executive, David Lauren; and famed photographer Mark Seliger.

Clothes, check. Beautiful face, check. The pose, a fat check! We had to yank the shot from the current Vogue. The amazon beauty captured our full undivided attention.

Winter garbs meshed carefree and untrained looks chillingly terrific!

We’re absolute fans of the online model’s way-too-cool-for-school stance! The pitch black shades paired with a tilted red baseball cap blends great.

T.C. always on cue with megawatts, shines for the Valkyrie film premiere in a frame-heightening charcoal double-breast number.

The killer shot screams Fall yet Winter-ready, Gents. The tree stump and chunky belted knit and lightly tattered leather defines the stellar shot!!

Clean cut well-tailored tuxedos always command a look-at-me; as the case with J.T. and Samuel Jackson.


Freddy Style said...

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Anonymous said...

The top look is amazing. I want that coat!